One to One Business Coaching in London

If you want to grow quickly; if you’ve got a team in place and are increasingly concerned with how you build the productivity of that team; if you want to increase their sense of ownership about tackling the challenges your business faces; and if you’re interested in what your business is worth and how to increase that – then 1 to 1 coaching will probably be a better fit for you than group coaching.

Schedule a consultation for 1 to 1 business coaching in London here.

What’s the advantage of 1 to 1 coaching?

With the right business coach, 1 to 1 business coaching is the most effective results-driven coaching programme any ambitious business owners can invest in.

Quite often in business, there is a ‘gap’ between theory and reality.

You may have experienced hearing about an idea that had worked for someone else, only to try it and not getting the same results.

Often – mostly – solutions need to be ‘bent into shape’ to suit that unique business. That unique business owner.

This is especially true with more complex fixes to challenges involving team & systems.

1 to 1 coaching programmes provide the right environment (confidential) and the right focus (just you, no distractions) to really get to the root of challenges and to tweak the solution until it works.

Far faster and with fewer mistakes than can be achieved in groups.

That’s why the results are better and why my 1 to 1 programmes are guaranteed to get results.

Schedule a consultation for 1 to 1 business coaching in London here.

Getting You and Your Business on the Right Trajectory

As businesses grow they naturally become more complicated.

Simply put more customers = more employees = more dramas.

Without tackling the root cause, you have to devote more and more of your time to fix minor issues. Your job becomes chief fire-fighter.

The big ambitions you had in the long term might fade into the background a bit – or when you think about them it produces a negative emotional reaction.

Even if you’re still growing in terms of revenue, your trajectory (ie your prospects as a business) is flattening or even falling.

The tough truth as a business owner is that (for a variety of reasons) fire-fighting actually only increases the likelihood of more fires in the future.

The only solution is to ring-fence time today to implement the ideas that will bear fruit tomorrow. So that when ‘tomorrow’ gets here, it’s a more enjoyable place.

Of course, you’ve got a life to live and you can only work so many hours. So it’s also my job to find that time to ring-fence. When people get busy they get inefficient and do things they shouldn’t. You may well not be able to see that from your perspective (that’s why it’s called a blind spot) – but I can.

There is no silver bullet; no miracle fixes. Much the same as getting fit.

There’s no one thing you can do that will transform your business overnight – in the same way as no single exercise done once will make you fit.

Sanity comes from knowing you’re on the right track. The right trajectory.

Working with me will give you that.

Schedule a 1 to 1 business coaching consultation in London with Tim Brown here.

Let's Get Started With Your One to One Business Coaching Session

Professional 1 to 1 Business Coaching Sessions with Tim Brown

Think of me as your partner in business. I bring industry-leading expertise, unbiased perspective and am 100% motivated to see you succeed. Leaving you to enjoy all of the upsides in terms of prestige, dividends and valuation.

My coaching style is collaborative. We’ll have lots of ‘we’ conversations. But I will respect you and your business too much to collude with you if you stray off track. If you slip off the trajectory needed to achieve your big ambitions.

It’s not my style to play the hard-ass. To my mind, business coaches who do that are reducing their clients to a subservient position. But I am your business coach and I won’t accept your second best. I will hold you accountable to doing what you say you will. To make sure your short-term actions are in line with your potential and your long term ambitions.

Over the years I have developed and refined my style to the point that I can guarantee results.

This is partly due to structure – and partly approach.

My coaching structure is based on annual ‘big picture’ planning sessions to review your business and life ambitions and make sure they line up. I then use quarterly business planning sessions to make sure we’re always working on the right thing and coaching session focus sheets to track actions taken and results.

My approach is different from when I first started. I’ve come to realise that my ideal clients are natural winners. They don’t want to be spoon-fed  (well sometimes you’re in a rush or genuinely stuck and just want the answer, and that’s OK) nor told what to do. You didn’t back yourself to start a business only to hire someone to micro-manage you.

Backed by the best analytical software, my approach is to demonstrate and frame the issues in your business. So you understand the consequences and the root cause. When I do that to the best of my ability, you naturally take over the running. You ‘mine’ me for ideas, strategies and sources of knowledge to help you create your unique solution. I can and will step in if I think you’ve missed something.

That puts us on the fast track to great results. Sustainable results.

It also means that over time you will learn how to analyse problems and evaluate solutions. Your abilities and your confidence in yourself and your team will grow. You will act with agency and authority and I will become more of a sounding board. An extra pair of eyes for your blind spots.

That’s how I see my role as a business coach.

I find it a hugely enjoyable approach – and I know if I do it consistently to the best of my ability, I will leave my corner of the world in a slightly better state than I found it.

Looking for a 1 to 1 business coach in London, Let’s talk

If you’re intrigued by the idea of getting some help in your business, let’s have a chat.

You can use this to complimentary call to:

  • Give your business an M.O.T.
  • Have a detailed conversation about a specific challenge
  • Look at low-risk ways to try business coaching out to get a feel for it
  • Or simply enjoy the rarity of a completely confidential chat with someone who fixes business challenges for a living

Just fill in the details on the contact form here and my team will be in touch.

Alternatively, you can also call or text me on 07825 589333, or email me at

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07825 589333

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Tim Brown - ActionCOACH
Chester House,
Fulham Green,
81-83 Fulham High Street,