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Tag Archives: #productivity

Are you fed up with your team coming up with innovative ideas, taking responsibility and putting in great performances? Are you pining for those exciting days of fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants chaos and fire-fighting? Here’s how to break your team in 12 easy steps. There are no quick…


Motivation is all around us – but does it actually work? It’s hard to spend more than 5 minutes on Social Media without tripping over a motivational quote designed to inspire. I find many of them enjoyable and some are genuinely challenging – but do…


Easy come, easy go As US Senator Everett Dirksen reputedly said: “A million here, a million there, pretty soon, you’re talking real money.” As an acerbic quip about frivolous, unchecked government spending it works pretty well. The sentiment applies just as accurately to time management:…